Facilities & Tools |
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SUBSEA VISUALIZATION TANK This tank is a flume with glass walls and dimensions of 4m x 3m x 1.5m (Length x width x height). Having a closed-loop pumping system, it is capable of generating current profiles. Additionally, wind and waves can also be generated on it. The facility is used to observe the dynamics of floating and submarine equipment and also the behavior of launched equipment such as manifolds and related. |
WAVE CHANNEL The wave channel has a cross-section of 1m x 0.8m (length x width) and can generate various types of wave signals (regular, irregular, white noise, freak waves). It is used to verify the dynamics of floating bodies such as hulls and platforms and also the performance of wave energy devices. |
WIND, WAVES AND CURRENT FLUME With a cross-section of 1.4m x 0.6m (width x height), the flume can generate up to 0.5m/s of model scale flow velocity, besides waves and wind. This flume is used to measure hydrodynamic loads on bodies such as rudders, wings, propellers and hulls, and also to verify the dynamic of those structures when submitted to environmental loads. |
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4-DOF MOTION MECHANISM It is a PMM-like equipment, but with a 4th axis allowing motions in X, Y, Z, and Yaw. It is used to measure hydrodynamic loads due to flow on the surface and submerged bodies of ultra-small scales. Those coefficients can be CD and CL like (for static angles), non-linear and dynamic coefficients or in the form of hydrodynamic derivatives. |
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DYNAMOMETER Installed at the flume, it is dynamometer that measures both rotation, thrust and torque of propellers and other rotational devices (including wind and hydrokinetic turbines). It can be used to measure Kt, Kq x J curves and also the power generated (Cp) by renewable energy turbines. |
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PIV SYSTEM The PIV (Particle Image Velocimetry) allows the tracking of small particles present at the flow, helping with velocities and pressure data that support the understanding of the hydrodynamic behavior of complex flow-structure interaction problems. Moreover, the generated data can be used on the Validation of numerical calculations of CFD codes. |
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ANSYS® It offers unparalleled fluid flow analysis capabilities, providing all the tools needed to design and optimize new fluids equipment and to troubleshoot existing installations. |
ORCAFLEX® A general-purpose dynamic analysis software program suitable for a wide range of global dynamic analysis applications. OrcaFlex’s generality, power and flexibility means that a wide range of systems can be modeled. |
![]() Source: wamit.com |
WAMIT® The most advanced set of tools available for analyzing wave interactions with offshore platforms and other structures or vessels. |
![]() Source: veristar.com |
HYDROSTAR® A powerful 3D diffraction/radiation software based on potential theory for wave-body interactions. It takes into account multi-body interaction, effects of forward speed and internal liquid motions. |
![]() Source: veristar.com |
ARIANE® An efficient static, time-domain based, multi-body mooring software. Ariane uses Bureau Veritas’ extensive expertise and knowledge in hydrodynamic and mooring fields. |
![]() Source: altairhyperworks.com |
AcuConsole™ was designed exclusively for interoperability with AcuSolve and provides a great solution for organizations with an analysis process that relies on watertight 3D-CAD models. |
![]() Source: siemens.com |
SIMCENTER STAR-CCM+® Simcenter STAR-CCM+ is a complete multiphysics solution for the simulation of products and designs operating under real-world conditions. |
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MOTION CAPTURE SYSTEM Qualisys ® QTM’s advanced 3D / 6DOF tracker computes 3D and 6DOF data from 2D marker data with minimal latency. Tracking can be done in real-time or in post-processing. The tracker is scalable and works with any number of cameras and also supports mixing different types of Qualisys cameras within the same system. |
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ADV - ACOUSTIC DOPPLER VELOCIMETRY Our ADVs allow us to measure the velocity and turbulence of the flow at any position on the flumes with high accuracy for 3 directions. They are used to calibrate the velocities of the tests and to measure the flow pattern. |
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WAVE PROBES Highly accurate capacitive wave probes are used to measure wave signals synchronized with other measurement sensors, allowing the evaluation of the wavefield generated at the tanks and also characteristic curves of the models such as RAOs (Response Amplitude Operators) of any floating bodies and efficiencies of wave energy devices. |
OTHER TRANSDUCERS According to the problem being accessed, we can use commercial and other in-house tailored transducers, capable of measuring other physical quantities (energy, force, torque, light, motion, position, etc.). |